So this week we had exchanges and they were awesome. Sister Diamond who is an English sister I lived with in Rancho is my STL here now and it makes me so happy. She is awesome. Our exchanges were awesome, basically we stayed at home and talked. Hahaha just kidding. We talked a lot in the car because their area is a whole stake and so we had lots of drive time. It was so good though. And we taught a lesson to one of their investigators who is on date, and who would have thought, but the sisters felt they needed to teach the law of chastity, and this kid was already living it!! Yeah!!!! He said yeah I've been living that way for 2 years. Go him!!! His name is Ryan. And he is on date for October 10? Or something like that. Haha, I don't know the date anymore, ever. I stick with days. Like today's when we go to church right? Yeah so tomorrow is the day we clean the apartment. It's already the day we do weekly planning? Where did all those days go? Hahaha. Anyway. Time is weird. It just sneaks on by all the time.
Anyway, exchanges were so good, teaching Ryan was so awesome. English is weird, but it was still really good. And Sister Diamond is just the best at sincere compliments. So that was really nice hahaha. Then we went to her leadership zone meeting, and that was really cool, even though I wasn't a leader I got to go and they actually included me, and it was cool. It's like branch council for the zone haha. I'm glad they have those meetings, I sympathize a little more with leaders now and I like to think I'm a little ehh like nicer or better behaved, more open to their suggestions. But I still think our new zone leader is trying too hard and it kinda bugs me. But hey, at least he's trying rather than not trying. It's just his thing is like this zone needs to have FUN!! And I'm like oh excuse me, I wasn't having fun last transfer or ever? I've been doing it wrong this whole time? Oh please enlighten me. Please look way too into which sports we play as a zone on pday. ALSO, if I sit next to an elder in district meeting don't awkwardly ask the elder to move like a minute later. Don't make something out of Nothing. I promise, zero feelings involved except for the feeling of "there is an open chair and I feel like sitting in it because it's closest." I don't have time for elders. I promise. They are Elders, that should explain everything of what I meant when I said I don't have time for elders. Plus so many of them just seem like sensitive and stuff. Please no, sisters are drama enough as it is. Suck it up and love your companion, end of story :)
So anyway, I love my zone, I have so much fun. I love it so much I go to every zone morning glory and I have so much fun. Also I probably need to work on loving all the missionaries in my zone and not getting offended by someone telling me to have fun. Also the ysa sisters told Jasmine she couldn't come to ysa since she's basically inactive in our spanish branch now, and that made me wicked mad. This girl doesn't need anymore rejection and in the manuals I read it says ysa just needs to be 18-30 it doesn't say anything about being graduated already or not. She's going to graduate this year, make an exception to your silly rule. Ahhhh. Whatever. It's cool. Life is good, I just wish the YSA sisters would have let us tell Jasmine or not told her right away the day she finally decided to come back to church. But it's cool man, it's cool.
No one is super progressing, but we have people to see so that's good. Interviews are coming up-YAYYY. And the elders are finally baptizing Jose next Sunday so I am super pumped for that.
Love you all!!!
Sis Burke's family sent us a ton of food which was really nice and thoughtful but I feel like if I eat it I'll become a real Mexican and get Diabetes!
And just the sheriff telling everyone to not wash their car to save water with his bumper sticker haha
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