So Hey!!!

This week I made church history!! Go Hermana McCloud!!!!! (I also happened to leave my own very permanent mark on the apartment/ mostly just my desk. I bought super glue to fix a bracelet, and I basically got it every where who knows how and then when that fiasco was finally over I set the super glue in my drawer. Then a few days later I thought how funny would it be if the super glue bottle itself stuck, and it did. So it's in that drawer for forever forever hahaha.) Anyway, back to how everyone in Salt Lake knows my name. I got a call from Elder Edwards who is the financial guy for our mission and he asked me about my church card, like what was the number, have I made any purchases at a Krispy Kremes recently- nope. So then I could hear he was on two phones, one with me and the other with Salt Lake. And he was asking me questions they were telling him to ask me. Like if I've ever run out of money, or if it hasn't worked recently. Did I pay for a hotel in San Francisco recently? What area am I serving in again? Hahaha so nope, that wasn't me, I'm here in Rancho Cordova. So then he said he would call back. Finished personal studies. Prayed to close. Got another phone call from him, and he congratulated me, I was a completely new experience for him and for Salt Lake because someone hacked my missionary account, like completely. Like basically My Missionary Identity got stolen hahahaha. He said they got past all the security and my account was compromised and whatnot. Totally Legit. So he said they have to make me a completely new account and a new card with a new number and I just think it's awesome. Out of all the people, some hacker chose me. I'm honored. And I've made church history. So legit. But so I'm waiting for a new card and I'm going to have cash to take out from my comp's account for these next two weeks until I get my card. Ha. So cool. Then I told our Spanish elders at district meeting and he said that this was super impressive because the church has the security that the FBI wishes it had. So cool. I'm famous. Someone stole my missionary ID and used it to buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a hotel in San Fran. So hilarious.
Alright other than that.... 3 of our investigators were 30 minutes early for church!!! that never happens!! #mormonstandardtime #browntime usually means everything starts 1/1.5 hours later than usual. Crazy. So that was cool.
We also did service on the Delta River King boat in Old Sacramento if you feel like googling that, that's where I was this Friday :) Pretty cool. Some members are making a theater down there, good wholesome family entertainment haha Mormons. So cute.
Ummm yeah, life is good. OH MY GOSh that frosting. That was so good. mom you're an angel. For real. So tasty. And the shoes are perfect. You're a saint. You're better than the Virgin Guadalupe *looks over shoulder for angry catholicmexicans* hahaha nah, but you are a saint. Although I still haven't gotten your letter so I'm kinda sad about that though...... Hopefully soon. The mail here goes wonky sometimes, as you know. I can't wait to make bread.
We should have someone getting baptized on the 13th of this month! Ramon, fresh back from Mexico, he had to go south for the winter hahaha, but he was on date before he left, so hopefully everything goes smoothly this time.The Maldonados are on date for July 18, Rebecca is on date for July 11, and Markos and Ivet are still not married and who knows what's happening with them. We'll find out tonight hopefully. hahaha
Love you all!! The church is true, obviously, or else why would someone hack a missionary account.
Hermana McCloud
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