Heather here. We got to Skype with Katie yesterday for Mother's Day! It was fabulous!! So good to hear her voice and see her face! And she got to meet her niece!! Such a happy day! Her weekly email follows:

So the thing about Spanish work is everyone lets you in because "you're preaching La Palabra de Dios" and it says in the Bible to never shut your door on anyone who does that and bla bla bla. But it's really tough for them to understand that there is really One True Church and that not all churches are good and perfectly fine to go to sometimes and then you'll be saved. We tell them what would it mean to you if you knew there was one true church and it had everything for you, everything that God wants for you? and they're like well my church is alright, and we're all children of God, and he loves us so it's fine. Have you even read the Bible recently? Because no where does it say that. So it's just hard for people to comprehend the importance of the restoration and our calling as missionaries, like our purpose and stuff. So that's been rough lately. Been dealing with a lot of less actives who go to other churches now, or went back to being Catholic, or literally go to church with the JW's every week - are you kidding?? And they just don't get it.
Also it's like we're waging a war with the Jehovah Witnesses. I swear they have a list of our less actives and potentials or just stalk us all the time and write down the addresses. They're the worst. And they're somehow amazing at giving people rides to church, so then people feel obligated to go, and then they're trapped. Freaking Satan. hahhaaha anyway, but it's good. Love is the answer.
Also teaching English class this week was really funny because our one regular came and she went on and on about how great my voice is and clear and whatnot and how my English is the best and how perfect and beautiful it was, and I was like haha if only people would say that about my Spanish. But she literally went on for like 8 minutes, and then our new elder was like hey you should do voice talent, you should be a GPS voice, and I was like uhh thanks? (GPS voices are the worst, so maybe I do need to go revolutionize the world of GPS voices) But otherwise it was just a little awkward after a while, I wasn't even teaching. My comp was up there standing at the board, like oh so you don't want me to teach you English anymore? haha rough.... so yeah. But it's been great.
We finally found Markos and Ivet, we set another date for them to get married, pushed their baptism back to the 23rd, and had a great lesson about tithing, and they're basically good to go :) Just gotta cover a few more little things and get them interviewed and they're ready!!
YAY!!! milagros all around.
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!